Sunday, April 25, 2010

term 2 goal

I think that I have a good goal it will help me lots.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

P.I Feed Back

That was fabulous. Your energy and enthusiasm came through really strongly. I like the booklet. Your writing is lively and neat, and the photos give a good idea of what you did. TC
We think you where brave and creative making your own bivouac and sleeping in it for the night =) Hadley,Corbin,Alan and Caleb
good specking, well presented Zia. Oliver, Harrison, Chaz
good talking about nature and it looks like you put lots of effort into it congrats zia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 caelum,mike,kale
Great PI Zia we really enjoyed your descriptions on everything but next time have a bit more interaction! Lucy, Maddy and Grace
i though it was awsome.i think it was a cool PI Aidan, Thomas
it looks like zia took it sereicly. it looked really cool because you can sleep in it. Hannah, Linda and Emma and natalya
We think you were very brave to stay out at night and the bivouac looks cool and you put a lot of effort into it Nat.Kelly,Kate,Libby and britt
zia we think you did a great job with your pi because it was intresing and you spook clearly Sophie,Sara,Alana

Home Fun Record

I got 100% in my home fun record that means I got no ,no's.
so I got 200 snidge bonus.
YAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Term 1 Goal

last term my goal was to be more organised.
I think that I was organised but in being organised I was dropping over skills like neatness when rushing to meet deadlines.